Tuesday, September 28, 2004

More Cool Word Sites

A.Word.A.Day -- About: "Wordsmith.org is a worldwide online community of some half-million readers who share a love for words, wordplay, language, and literature."

Etymologic: the toughest etymology (word origin) game on the Web: "In this etymology game you'll be presented with 10 randomly selected etymology (word origin) or word definition puzzles to solve; in each case the word or phrase is highlighted in bold, and a number of possible answers will be presented. You need to choose the correct answer to score a point for that question. Beware! The false answers will often also seem quite plausible, and some of the true answers are hard to believe, but we have documentation!
Oh, and in case you're wondering, the word etymology comes from the Greek word 'etumos', which means real, or true, and the -ology ending indicates that it's the study of, or science of. Put them together and you get the study or science of the real or true. Impressive, eh?"

The Word Spy: "This Web site is devoted to lexpionage, the sleuthing of new words and phrases. These aren't 'stunt words' or 'sniglets,' but new terms that have appeared multiple times in newspapers, magazines, books, Web sites, and other recorded sources."

CNN.com - Jedi, Klingons invade new dictionary - Sep. 25, 2002: "LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Science fiction's 'Jedi' warriors and 'Klingon' bad guys have entered the newest edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, along with 'asylum seekers,' 'asymmetrical warfare' and 'spin control.' "

Etymologically Speaking...: "What follows is a list of some curious word origins. Some of these are English, but some are French and German words from which we get some English words."