Reading at Risk
In 2002, those who do read and those who do not read literature watched about the same amount of TV per day – three hours’ worth. The Internet, however, could have played a role. During the time period when the literature participation rates declined, home Internet use soared. From "Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America," National Endowement for the Arts, June 2004.
"The Risk of Reading: Why books are meant to be dangerous" by Mark Edmundson in today's NYTimes Magazine.
Here are a couple of articles from the NYTimes about reading - one about about diminished reading - Fewer Noses Stuck in Books in America, by Bruce Weber, and the other about book snobs - Books Make You a Boring Person, by Cristina Nehring. And a commentary from today's Sunday Times - What Johnny Won't Read, by Charles McGrath.

Not Funnies, also by Charles McGrath, proposes an emerging, alternate genre.
Modern Library 100 Best Novels and Nonfiction lists.
NYTimes Book Reviews of The Modern Library's Top 100 Nonfiction Books of the Century.
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